We Are Relocating!
August 27, 2021
Dear Valued Clients, Business Partners, and Friends,
Thank you for your continuous trust and support of FuJae Partners. We are relocating on August 28, 2021 to the following office:
New Address:
Suite 1901, ICC Tower 2,
288 Shanxi Road South, Shanghai, China
Tel: 86 21-2285 9888
Fax: 86 21-2285 9898
Website: www.fujae.com
Our office general number, fax number, and all individuals’ direct lines, cell phones, and email addresses will remain unchanged. Our website and email system will function with no interruption while we relocate the office.
If you experience any problem during or in connection with our relocation, please contact cici.wang@fujae.com or jue.wang@fujae.com for assistance.
We look forward to serving or working with you, to deliver professional, quality, and efficient legal services!